Saturday, November 21, 2020

Build Your Brand With LinkedIn Marketing Secrets

 LinkedIn is an often overlooked treasure trove of opportunities, much to a savvy marketer's advantage, despite having a network consisting of over 50 million business users with a median income exceeding 100k annually. If that's not impressive enough, its search engine ranking alone warrants giving it a closer look. Articles placed in the LinkedIn directory and LinkedIn profiles are among the first search results Google returns LinkedIn Lead Generation Agency.

The platform offers an events feature, capacity for targeted ad campaigns, and a brand-building feedback feature. But there's even more than that to be found. Optimizing your approach with LinkedIn marketing secrets will make this social media haven outshine most of the others you might already be using. These are fairly simple to use, but the LinkedIn marketing secrets to follow will push your brand over the top if you put them to work:

1. Pave Easy Routes To Brand Information. Create brand recognition through your blog's RSS feed. Blogging is still easily the best way to engage and maintain a connection with your target audience. Making it easier for them to access your posts with portable RSS feeds is under-practiced, but extremely valuable. Time is short for professionals. There's always something to learn, develop, communicate, and plan. Ensuring your promotions take your audience's time budget into consideration will make your properties the "easy click" they look to before they turn to others.

2. Supercharge Your Rankings From Your LinkedIn Profile In addition to a Twitter URL to your LinkedIn profile, use the "Other" box to add keywords you're utilizing for your projects to take advantage of the juice this social media haven has with Google. From there, use the keywords from your "other" box for the titles and page headers on the other web properties of your brand. This should effectively increase rankings.

3. Put LinkedIn's "Groups" Feature To Work Start a LinkedIn group and launch a value-added email campaign that reaches a user base composed of your target market. Your membership can potentially grow well into the thousands, and they'll all be invested in your area of interest. The potential here goes without saying, but the viral possibilities are significant, and crowd sourcing with your group can elevate your brand and the individual projects you may be focused upon under its umbrella. The "groups" feature is key in LinkedIn marketing secrets that will help you build a rock solid foundation for your marketing campaigns.

4. Gather Free Market Research LinkedIn's polls feature makes it possible for you to acquire the perspectives of very influential people in your network. This is just one of the LinkedIn marketing secrets for compiling market research, but it's straight forward and asks for little in the way of time investments. The other two ways to research market perspectives involve creatively using the answers function to ask questions that will yield valuable opinions in your industry and integrating your twitter feed to keep track of the retweets you receive in favor or against the trends you're tracking. Another golden approach is to create a focus group on LinkedIn with HuddleSpaces.

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